Thursday, June 25, 2009

Letter to Editor

Star Bulletin printed my letter asking for gov's resignation. And of course one of the first responses was calling me a "whinny, state or unionized employee." Go figure.
The gov still seems teflon and nothing sticks.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Lingle must resign

Dear Editor,

I believe that Governor Lingle must resign. By reading the various forums on your web site it seems to me that she has done something that is unforgivable. She has turned the people of Hawaii against each other. People in Hawaii have assumed an attitude of us versus them. That what happens to us should happen to them. She has taken forums that were previously used for open discussion into forums of personal attacks. Personal attacks should not be the language of discussion or disagreements. It should be the job of the governor to unite the people of Hawaii.
There is a lot of misinformation around now and it seems that the governor is not willing to clarify any of it. That many people believe what she says makes more important that she be giving accurate and unbiased information.
But lastly to demand cuts in the education budget or to suggest using that money to balance the budget and then finding out that she has only applied for the funds now to me is inexcusable. We need a leader that unites us against the problems of society not one content with divisiveness.

Egan Kawamoto
Ewa Beach


Saturday, June 6, 2009

June 19

It seems that people do not understand that state employees contribute to the economy. That some how unions are the cause of the recession. That the recession would not happen if we had let private businesses flourish. I propose that on June 19 all state, county and union workers not spend a dime. I would like to see what private business owners would do when their sales figures are lower than anticipated.
I chose June 19 because it is a payday and all merchants expect a bump in sales.

I am also thinking of a couple of things that I might do to combat these mistaken notions. Raise my state withholding will lower tax revenues and also put a few dollars in my pocket. Pay my bills as late as I can. This doesn’t work for credit cards but canceling cards by local banks might work. Put off purchasing anything as long as I can.

Also don’t listen to Perry and Price and KSSK. They have proven to be shills for the governor, anti-union and purveyors of propaganda. In their reporting they have “mislead” many on the positions of unions. I don’t eat at Shiro’s or L&L Drive In because they both are public supporters of the governor. I also don’t shop at WalMart or Sam’s Club. They are people who are anti union, have personnel policies that harm the safety of their workers and are a drain on the public health system wherever they go. They also are one of the largest contributors to pro education voucher groups.

June 19th, gas up your car a day early or later. Have breakfast at home or take a thermos of coffee with you. Fill a cooler with refreshments for the day. Take a home lunch with you. Have a family dinner at home. Plan your purchases. Plan your day. June 19th plan for it and do it. I will.