Wednesday, October 21, 2009

From the Advertiser

Dear Editor,

It seems interesting how the public is reacting to furloughs in the department of education. The governor presented the issue of furloughs months ago. It was the primary reason for public worker contracts taking so long to be resolved. It was interesting that the state’s chief negotiator has said that furloughs were the product of the DOE, BOE and HSTA.

Public sentiment at the time backed furloughs. Furloughs were a requirement. The budget for education was restricted by an additional 14%. Which is the amount of furlough savings the governor demanded. While the teachers would like no furloughs it is unreasonable to ask them to work for less pay and less resources. At a time when the economy is weak and teachers are spending more of their personal income for supplies does less pay and less resources make sense?

Teachers have done more with less for years. Spending their own money, fundraising for necessities and getting very little respect.

If the governor is really concerned about the budget deficit do it like the teachers. I would suggest Portuguese Sausage, Chili or maybe Chicken.

Egan Kawamoto

Ewa Beach


From the Advertiser

Dear Editor,

It seems interesting how the public is reacting to furloughs in the department of education. The governor presented the issue of furloughs months ago. It was the primary reason for public worker contracts taking so long to be resolved. It was interesting that the state’s chief negotiator has said that furloughs were the product of the DOE, BOE and HSTA.

Public sentiment at the time backed furloughs. Furloughs were a requirement. The budget for education was restricted by an additional 14%. Which is the amount of furlough savings the governor demanded. While the teachers would like no furloughs it is unreasonable to ask them to work for less pay and less resources. At a time when the economy is weak and teachers are spending more of their personal income for supplies does less pay and less resources make sense?

Teachers have done more with less for years. Spending their own money, fundraising for necessities and getting very little respect.

If the governor is really concerned about the budget deficit do it like the teachers. I would suggest Portuguese Sausage, Chili or maybe Chicken.

Egan Kawamoto

Ewa Beach


Furlough Fridays

This will be the first Furlough Friday coming up. A few things you can do:

1. Don't spend money. Try not to spend money on Furlough Fridays. While the governor insists she needs to save money, wht she needs to do is build consumer confidence. Furloughs do the exact opposite.
2. Do not extend Wednesdays. You are not responsible for the furloughs. Your assistance to this only reinforces her position. You are overpaid!!!
3. Answer any questions about the furloughs by referring them to the governor. Remind people that that is what she wanted.