Monday, April 13, 2009

Just Vote No!

I have yet to hear anything about what occurred during the HSTA convention.
But what I have been told is if I don’t approve the by-law changes I can be sued. I think this is nonsense. It seems that in the last year everything is secret. Because it is confidential. Because it involves personnel. Because it involves possible legal action.
As members we are entitled to the information. But when MBC declares bankruptcy, changes in staff and the fairy tale that we will be informed. Keep an eye on the web site for information. The web site changes like 4 times a year.
Wil Okabe is president. Uncontested. Okay I like Wil and hope he cleans it up. But how is it that so many potential candidates are not on the ballot. So many disqualified. I thought the president and executive director wanted us to return to our core services? Can’t even seem to run an election. Wil is walking into a big mess and I hope he is strong enough for the job.
I hope that if the by-law changes occur and changes to the Board of Directors occur, that all the directors have the dictates of conscience to resign and run again if they want it. This board should take the responsibility for their malfeasance in running the organization.

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