Saturday, May 30, 2009

Letter to Editor

wrote this. don't think they will publish. so..

Dear Editor,

I can agree with your editorial on 5/29. In this time of economic uncertainty strong leadership is needed. But you did not seem to include the governor. What is the role of state government in this? Across the board cuts is not leadership. Cutting payroll and health costs do not stimulate the economy. Digging in and not doing anything to generate income is not going to solve the problem.

In a letter that appeared from Kathleen Nullet, she is right that by cutting salaries and benefits to government workers it will only cut spending by that group. If furloughs or job cuts occur will the people of the state understand when things happen slower. It seems the mayors of Hawaii understand and are making do with what is being dealt to them.

As new money from the federal government comes down, if government workers are furloughed who will oversee the construction and contracts? Will we depend on the private sector to keep to all specifications of their contract? Will those receiving the contracts “share the pain” and work for less?

Yes leadership is needed. But not one who abdicates responsibility. Not one who attacks her employees. Not one who uses the media to as a bully’s pulpit

Egan Kawamoto

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