Friday, July 10, 2009


In the negotiations with the public unions there seems to be some misunderstanding. For clarification it is not the public unions’ job to balance the budget. Their job is to protect their members and negotiate a contract. If their job is to balance the budget when was this constitutional change implemented?
Negotiate means to come to agreement through discussion. Yet the governor chooses not to discuss a resolution. How can you negotiate when your negotiator walks out?
As for the teachers’ drug testing. It cannot be implemented because it has been shown to be unconstitutional, as shown by decisions in other states. Or does she want it to go to court again like the furloughs and super ferry?
It seems that many do not seem to understand that instead of covering a shortfall by cutting services, the governor’s job is to boost the economy. The fewer dollars in circulation the longer the recession will last. Those in the private sector must realize that. As the take reductions their employer is also trying to open new revenue streams. Or are they just digging in and waiting it to pass by like our governor?
Other questions need to be answered by the governor. In awarding new contracts that will be open to bid, will the governor ask the contractors reduce their bid and pay their employees 5% less in wages? Did the governor look at overtime pay? What is her position on overtime pay? What about differentials? If an employee comes to work on their own time and is injured, will they be covered by workman’s comp? Has the governor looked at her personal staff to see if there is overstaffing? What about her household staff? Has the governor looked at what are the priorities?
Someone said, “Laying off people is difficult to do, but it is a necessary part of the strategy.” Okay governor, what is the strategy?

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