Sunday, February 15, 2009


It seems that speaker say has decided that state and county workers, for the good of the economy , should join the ranks of the working poor. Under the guise of balancing the budget he seems to think that letting large numbers of working people become destitute.
I hope this is a ploy and he is smarter than this. It is like the article I read from the Washington Post about how WalMart's health plan should serve as a model. Of course when you read the article it basically says that some WalMart employees are under the company plan but a lot are underpaid and receive government subsidized health insurance. So the plan the state is proposing is less people on EUTF but more with MedQuest or Cobra or whatever that program is.
Health coverage is the last place the state should cut. The majority of bankruptcies in the US is caused by catastrophic health. So all this will do will be to make the economy worst. Except if you work for HMSA.
An email that was forwarded to me asked "Where is Roger?" Probably on a trip.

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