Sunday, February 8, 2009

reconstituting schools

The superintendent wants the power to reconstitute schools. In essence firing everybody and starting all over. What I have problems with:
1 If there is a school where they have not been successful for years, who would want to work there?
2 It seems that at a lot of those schools there is little, no or even detrimental leadership. And that is a position that was hired by the people who will do the hiring again.
3 After all these years of the DOE saying that NCLB is not working, why are they no proposing this devastating step?
Rep Takumi is right when saying sometimes teachers aren't successful because they aren't in a situation that fits them. I have to agree with this and also what happens to teachers who are used to having certain equipment but at their school they do not have access to it. I taught at Hana School for 4 years and there buying an overhead projector was considered a major purchase.
It seems that the DOE has to do a better job at recruiting principals, training principals and evaluating principals. the governor gave principals @ 20% in raises a few years ago. Saying that they must provide the leadership to improve our schools. So where is the leadership. I guess principals who fail can be like the governor that fails and blame the subordinates.
As for the word reconstitute, don't you do that to soup or shitake mushrooms?

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